The Coxblog: Colin, Megan and Shepard

Bits of news, ideas, thoughts and info from The Coxes of St. Louis Park

Shep’s new skill January 25, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — colinandmegancox @ 9:44 am

Feeling winter burnout, we head….north? January 18, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — colinandmegancox @ 4:47 pm

It’s true. We’ve just returned from a whirlwind and spontaneous trip up north.

We awoke Saturday sick and tired of cold, snowy, and grey Twin Cities. It search of sunnier dispositions we called on some willing friends & Grandpa Slatter to houndsit and with only 8 bags and baby, we charted a course for the frozen-er tundra of Duluth. Crazy, right?

We had hoped to stay in a cozy B&B carriage house at the Cotton Mansion, but the owners were taking advantage of a rare night away.

Instead we made Fitger’s our home for one night. Shep handled the ride and night beautifully. This morning we enjoyed the picturesque drive to Gooseberry Falls. Along the way, blue ice chunks lined the shore like pieces of recylced glass–sorry no photos of that.

We don’t feel crazy at all for making the trip. We got away, saw a new side of winter, and completed our first overnight excursion as a family of three.



Happy Days Are Here Again January 8, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — colinandmegancox @ 7:40 pm

Shep bewildered by a whole new set of choices.

Good news from the doctors: The ultrasounds of Shep’s head and abdomen showed no internal hemangiomas. Even better news, the docs say that if there are no internal ones at this point, it’s pretty unlikely we’ll ever see ’em.

So, on we go. Meanwhile, Shep continues to gulp down the solids. Well, gulp down might be a bit of an over-statement. However, he managed to finish a whole bowl of rice cereal and prunes at lunch today! (Special thanks go out to Shep’s day care provider Jan for working on the whole solid food thing with him).

And, as you can see from the picture above, Shep’s onto new adventures with toys.


Oh snowy day January 3, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — colinandmegancox @ 6:57 pm
Warm embraces (Grandmama Cox & Shep)

Warm embraces (Grandmama Cox & Shep)

Cold, cold snowy night!

Cold, cold snowy night!


Solids!! January 1, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — colinandmegancox @ 6:48 pm